About Our Club

Our Mission

The Mission of the Rotary Club of Fremont is to build meaningful friendships and build members up while we serve our local community as well as the world at large. We affect real change with real people interactions. We believe there is value by meeting in person each week, serving locally through hands-on projects as well as monetary donations and serving internationally with human development projects.

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Fremont. Making a difference serving others since 1963
Rotarians are concerned and caring individuals that derive great pleasure through helping others in our community, nation and the world.
We believe in the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. Furthermore, we believe in service above self and the fostering of goodwill towards our fellow citizens.
Please come join us in our quest to make a difference to the benefit of our community. We believe that collective altruism, properly and consistently applied will produce great and beneficial results.